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Purposes of the personal data being processed.


In addition to the AVG, the WGBO (Medical Treatment Agreement Act) and the professional code of my professional association Zhong, and of the Alternative Treatment KAB apply to my work. These affect the purposes for which I record personal data. For that reason, I handle personal data as follows.


1. Filing requirement


Pursuant to the Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO), as a healthcare provider, I am obliged to keep a medical file


2. Retention period


The main rule for keeping medical records is in the WGBO. That is 20 years, calculated from the date of recording each individual item. The term may be longer if this is necessary with a view to treatment (for example, if someone has a chronic illness). For minors, the retention period of 20 years starts from the age of eighteen. This data must therefore be kept until the age of 38 unless they die earlier. In that case, the retention period of 20 years from the date of death applies. For deceased adults, the file must be kept for 20 years from the last change in the treatment file or from the date of death.


3. Professional secrecy


As a therapist, I have a duty of confidentiality based on the professional code and the statutory medical professional secrecy. Employees of a psychosocial or complementary practice are bound by a duty of confidentiality via an employment contract.


4. Minors


According to the patient rights under the WGBO, mentally competent minors between the ages of 12 and 16 come to the practice with their parents. Parent(s) of minors up to the age of 16 have co-decision rights regarding the treatment. Parents have the right to information and access to the file when this is linked to the co-decision right for the treatment. There is an exception to this right of access, namely when the professional is of the opinion that the exercise of certain patient rights is contrary to the patient's interest. Competent patients aged 12 years and older are themselves authorized to grant permission for a breach of confidentiality.


Practice data:


Zohar Steg is a member of the professional association Zhong

Zhong registration number: 3101700131340

Chamber of Commerce number: 91532116

CBP No: m1558865

Care provider AGB code:90-048938

Practice AGB code:90093445


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1051JG, Amsterdam
Tel: +31636303955


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